
Best Web Scraping API: Scrapestack vs. ScrapingBee

As anyone who has ever tried to scrape a website knows, the best way forward is to use an API. This is especially true if you need to scrape and collect data from across the web quickly. Using the Best Web Scraping API is the most effective and, more importantly, the most anonymous way to collect large amounts of data off the web. But how do you select the right Web Scraping API? Hold on! We have…
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The 5 Types of API Marketplaces

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are pretty common these days. Thousands of web apps rely on APIs to integrate specific functionality or data. An API basically allows two software applications or systems to communicate and interact with each other. Today, numerous different types of APIs are available, from currency conversion and weather to IP geolocation and web scraping APIs. Moreover…
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Building Your Own Geolocation App with IP Geolocation API

IP geolocation plays a very important role for businesses in the digital age because it has become possible to determine the geographical locations of internet users and develop various applications using this information. IP geolocation technology is used in many areas such…

Microservices Design: API Gateway Pattern

Software applications have an increasing user base today. This situation creates new needs in terms of infrastructure and performance that developers must handle. Especially with the rapid growth of web-based applications and services, more modular and scalable structures…

API Testing With Postman | A Complete Guide for Beginners

Today, the tolerance for errors in software applications is quite low. When most users encounter an error while using an application, the rate of reusing that application gradually decreases. Errors undermine users’ trust in applications. For this reason, free public APIs developed in many software applications are regularly tested. Recently, API testing tools have become useful tools for…
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What Is an API Endpoint? What Does It Matter?

An API is essentially an application programming interface that enables software or applications to communicate, interact, and exchange data. It also allows developers to integrate specific functionality or data within their apps. A common term associated with the usage of…

What Is Open API? Pros, Cons, and Examples

In recent years, Open API has become a buzzword in the tech industry, and for good reason. Answering the question ‘What is Open API?’, Open API, also known as RESTful API, is a type of application programming interface that enables developers to access and interact with the functionalities of an application or service over the Internet. With its emphasis on interoperability and…
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